Public Relations :the District Vice-President will appoint a Public Relation Chairperson, the District Chairperson reaches out to Lodge Chairperson and establish communications so the District will know what is working at the Lodge level.
The District then reports to the State Chairperson. At the Lodge level Community Activities are the best method to get the word out on the ‘good works’ of our order.
Lodges in the more rural areas of our state have limited news venues, but you have something even more powerful , word of mouth! Once your neighbor’s start talking about your commitment to the area you will see membership increase.
Urban Lodges know the frustrations of competing for news coverage, and ‘word of mouth’ maybe less effective, unless your Lodge is hyperactive! The more you are doing, Christmas baskets, Veteran celebrations, public announced flag day celebrations, sponsoring Boy or Girl Scott’s all can lead to more public awareness.
Elks are one of the most generous and least recognize fraternal organizations. It is our duty as individual members, and Lodges to prove our value!
Mike Slape